November 23, 2025

Please be aware that, due to an error on this page, clicking any of the timeslots on this page will take you to the Dutch version of the website. We are aware of the problem and we are trying to fix it. It is not an easy fix. It doesn’t, in any way, interfere with the order process.

Hoovering over any of the timeslots will show an ‘Add to basket’ button that you can click. This will add the item to your basket and it will let you stay on the English site.

If you do click on any of the timeslots, the way to get back to your language of choice is to just click one of the menu items left of the ‘language switcher’. This will activate the ‘language switcher’ again. You can now click your desired language and you can complete the order in your own tongue by clicking ‘Your Shopping Cart’ in the menu at the top of the page.